PHARMASOFT New Generation Powered by Kireetisoft.
  • GST Reports Features

    Kireeti Pharmasoft provides complete GST reports up to GST offline tool level. We have Reports like

    GSTR-3B Report, GSTR-1 Report, GSTR-2 Report, GSTR-4 Report and GST wise Purchase (Input) Report

    IGST wise Input Report

    GST wise Sales (Output) Report

    IGST wise Sales (Output) Report

    GST wise Closing Stock

    HSNCODE wise Closing Stock

    GSTR-3B within/Out of State Report

    Accounts not having GSTIN Number

    Items not having HSNCODE

    Billed Items not having HSNCODE

    Purchase Difference Report

    GSTR-3B Summaries and HSNCODE Register

    Purchase Summaries with Gross and Tax wise

    Sales Summaries with Gross and Tax wise

    All Report Export to Excel format