PHARMASOFT New Generation Powered by Kireetisoft.

Kireeti Pharmasoft ADMIN App

Kireeti Pharmasoft Mobile App provides various business benefits to its user that helps them in saving cost, providing better customer service. It makes the customers feel comfort and easy to work with and provides exact reports that helps them to develop their business to higher level.

These apps are exclusively designed software solution for Pharma Management System. As it is specially designed for this segment, it has various special features to help faster billing, to control stocks and enhance Profitability.

  • Kireeti Pharmasoft ADMIN App Key Features:

    Multi Company and Multi user

Dashboard Provides Details

  • Closing Stock Report

    Provides Closing Stock Report with Company wise in a date range

    You can generate the report and share to respective recipients

  • Stock and Sales Report

    Provides Stock and Sales Report with Company wise in a date range

    You can generate the report and share to respective recipients

  • Outstanding

    Provides Outstanding report with Party wise/Area wise/Salesman wise

    App allows sending outstanding report to party through SMS/Whatsapp

    App allows calling a party for his outstanding