PHARMASOFT New Generation Powered by Kireetisoft.
  • Stock Reports Management Features

    Manage your inventory in more suitable and valuable without any extra efforts/manpower with Kireeti Pharmasoft.

    losing Stock Report, Rack wise Stock Report and Expiry Stock Report

    Stock Indent option, Stock & Sales Report with mailing option and Item Wise Pricelist Report

    Single Item Ledger Report

    Single Item Enquiry, Batch Ledger Report and Fast Moving Stock Report

    Non-Moving Stock Report, Slow Moving Stock Report

    Excess Stock Report

    Receivables Outstanding(Camp) Report and Payables Outstanding Report

    Item wise Tax Report, Item wise Purchase Rate Report

    Saled Expiry Items Report

    Pending DC’s Report, Daily Checking Items Report and Active Schemes Report

    Various types of Purchase & Sales Reports

    Daily Sale & Purchase Report, DC Adjustment Register

    Narration Register

    Non-Purchase Customers List, H drug Report and Drug Licenses Expiry report

    Purchase Return Register

    Sales Return Register and Orders Register

    Cancelled Bills Report