PHARMASOFT New Generation Powered by Kireetisoft.
  • Special Reports Features

    Customer Wise all Transactions Summary /Monthly/Group(Company)/Item Smart Search

    Supplier Wise all Transactions Summary /Monthly/Group(Company)/Item Smart Search

    Item Wise all Transactions Summary /Monthly/Group(Company)/Item Smart Search

    Area Wise all Transactions Summary /Monthly/Group(Company)/Item Smart Search

    Salesman Wise all Transactions Summary /Monthly/Group(Company)/Item Smart Search

    Item wise Margin Reports

    Item Group(company) wise Margin Reports

    Customer wise Margin Reports

    Supplier wise Margin Reports

    Salesman wise Margin Reports

    Item wise Discount Reports

    Item Group(company) wise Discount Reports

    Customer wise Discount Reports

    Sales Invoices Discount with Masters Discount Structure Comparison

    Item wise Free Reports

    Item Group(company) wise Free Reports

    Customer wise Free Reports

    Item wise Rate Reports

    Item Group(company) wise Rate Reports

    Customer wise Rate Reports

    Item Group(company) wise Adjustment Reports

    Customer wise Adjustment Reports

    Various Types of Quick Sales Analysis

    Salesman Analysis and USER Level Tracking